Katalytic Collaboration
Katalytic Collaboration provides a Platform for women in their 40s and 50s who previously stepped out of the workforce to raise their children and are now looking to reinvent themselves -- whether it's to restart their career, start their own business, and/or volunteer in organizations or causes that they're passionate about. It's a platform where we can be of service to each other as we look to step into a new season of life -- to celebrate the value of women in this mid-life season.
Join us as we Collaborate and Connect in such a way as to Synergize - create together more than we could by ourselves, Catalyze - accelerate each other's success, and Energize - encourage and stimulate each other to achieve more than we ever dreamed.
Join us as we Collaborate and Connect in such a way as to Synergize - create together more than we could by ourselves, Catalyze - accelerate each other's success, and Energize - encourage and stimulate each other to achieve more than we ever dreamed.
Synergize: "to interact or cooperate with one or more other agents to produce a joint effect greater than the sum of effects achieved separately." |
Catalyze: "to cause or accelerate (a reaction) by acting as a catalyst, which is a person or thing that precipitates an event." |
Energize: "to give vitality and enthusiasm to; to encourage, stimulate, motivate; to supply energy to." |
How can you contribute to this synergistic collaborative energizing effort?